““I believe subtle, almost sub-conscious beauty can pervade the most unlikely subject matter – something I see, or rather feel in the weathered stature of an old man, or through the proud gaze of an accomplished businessman….a beauty and nobility in the human spirit that surpasses understanding and defies simple explanation. You cannot describe it. You cannot put it down in words. Neither can you say exactly where you might find it. But you know it when you see it, and it is that beauty that I seek to record on canvas. I aim to create art that hooks into something more deep-running in our nature.””
Holly Kavonic
Holly Kavonic was born in Johannesburg in 1985 and spent her childhood living in Ballito, KZN, South Africa. From an early age she began to draw and paint and by high school she found herself working in and out of the classroom. She drew, sketched and painted, toying with materials and styles until in 2000, when she settled on oil painting and declared it as her major. She then strove to excel in this particular form of art and eventually graduated in 2003. After a brief foray into the design world and computer graphics, she decided she could always use her artistic talents in the designing world, but she could make a much larger impact on society through Fine Art and set about making a name for herself among South African art patrons, including the notable gentleman, Louis Bruwer, whose attention and mentorship ignited Holly’s career.
Now residing in the Sierra Mountains of California with her husband and baby daughter, Holly’s work may now be viewed in Pacific Crest Gallery in Heavenly Village in South Lake Tahoe, California as well as in Artisan Gallery in Durban, South Africa.
For all inquiries about fine art originals, prints or custom commissions, please contact the gallery and we will be happy to answer all your questions.
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